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UFOs - More Complex Than Good or Evil - Peter Levenda

Peter Levenda: "I don't think that the aliens are necessarily all peace and light. I know TTSA has been criticized for saying that the aliens are a threat. They are - we have to look at it as a potential threat, we've got no other choice really. So I think that doing that is the correct tack to take to defend ourselves, but at the same time that doesn't mean we shoot at them, that just means we defend ourselves the best way we can using our past experience with the phenomenon to try to determine how to do that. So I want to make that clear. I'm not saying there's a peace and light thing, I'm not saying there are evil entities they're demons and like some people at the Pentagon and Congress would like to have us believe. I think it's much more complicated than that as we've been discussing - it's not white and black. It's not you know these two titanic forces that there's one morally good and one morally evil. I don't think those categories are very helpful at all. I think we can communicate somehow"

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