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If the Mystery Drones are Chinese, We Are Halfway to War

Writer's picture: visions13visions13

U.S. China relations expert Gordon Chang claims reports of radiation spikes in the New York metropolitan area - one on each side of the Hudson- lead to the conclusion that maybe the mystery drones "are looking for an implanted nuclear weapon"

He says there is a "more than a 50 per cent chance" of a "warlike outcome"

"One thing we know and that is for more than a decade US officials have been worried about the North Koreans taking apart a device, smuggling the parts into the United States and reassembling it in the location of their choice so this is not something which is just wild speculation and when you talk about radiation clearly this could be one of the things that the drones are doing and that would explain while they're over residential areas because the device could be planted in one of those places"

He added "Until we hear from the president, until we get more consistant information we have to plan for the worst. We don't know if China is behind the drones but if it is then we have to assume that we are close to war because this shows an arrogance and a boldness of the foreign power as the Chinese did with the balloons. If the more ominous scenarios are in fact true then America needs to prepare for being on their own for quite some time because the detonation of a nuclear device on American soil will not only cause panic but it will cause at least for some time an inability of government to take care of people. So people need to be able to have enough food enough water, they need iodine pills. This is not a conversation that the American people have had for a very, very long time so we have not fought an enemy on our soil on a sustained basis since the war of 1812 but it's very possible that that could very well happen now especially because we have very disturbing indications of preparations for attacks on American installations and these have been going on now for months. Our government has not talked to us about it, our government has not taken adequate measures to protect our infrastructure and our military bases and the American people need to know that this is a very precarious situation. We think we're at peace, our adversaries and our enemies however don't believe they are"


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