Ariel Phenomenon film maker Randall Nickerson has seen very compelling smoking gun UAP videos owned by another country.
He told Ryan Robbins: "I think there is a smoking gun - I've seen it myself. I've seen videos that are not public that will soon be public. I don't know why they're not showing those at least on the official level. But I think they're trying to take it slow - gradually release..."
Ryan asked: "Are they Government videos that you've seen?
Randall: "No - it's owned by another country"
Ryan: "Wow - can you say the country?"
Randall: "I can't - I shouldn't even have mentioned it...but it's not like there's just one. I think we going to see a lot this year that we've never seen before. I hope so!
Ryan: "How compelling would you define them in terms of being unambiguous?
Randall: "Very"