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"Nothing is Worse than Not Being Able to Protect Your Innocent Child" - Podcast Transcript

Writer's picture: visions13visions13

Eric Mitchell

There's so much speculation going on out there whether you know this science is real, these implants are real. Decades have passed by you and a new era of younger folks are getting interested in this kind of thing and know the big question - is it real or is it not? And you've been in the trenches deeper than almost anyone else out there and so I'd love it to have them hear it from the man himself

Dr Steve Colbern

Yeah I mean I'm still here and this stuff's as real as it gets. I have to report a lot of people don't want to hear that but it's absolutely true.


How many implants have you studied?


I think it was five. I studied my own implant that was removed in in 2008. That's how I got into this and I studied four others that Dr Leir had not done adequate analysis on previously


Did you study because you yourself are Patient 15 right?


Yes that's right


Did you get to study your own implant


Yeah I did, he gave me a couple pieces of it. It broke into several pieces. On removal it was brittle and he went into the side of the toe, it was my left second toe and and he tried to pull it out and it came out in pieces which turned out to be kind of a good thing because that enabled us to study the interior without having to cut it.

Patient 16 had an implant that was so strong that it was impossible to cut. These implants have carbon nano tubes embedded in the metal. They're the world's strongest known material and if the tubes are dispersed well in the metal, it makes it incredibly strong and Patient 16's implant was incredibly strong whereas mine was brittle because the carbon (tubes?) weren't dispersed as well.


That's really fascinating that you bring that up know of course I had no belief in the subject whatsoever. My case started to to leak out, ufologists were calling my home and I just had a regular job, you know I showed up at the job I was waiting my for my boss to open up the office and I'm picking a piece of metal out of the side of my my finger here and it was like wet shell, it was just brittily fell apart and it was metallic at first but it seemed to get darker over time you know.


They oxidize in there. The metal is usually meteoric iron and they oxidize and rust in there


My gosh yeah, so what I was picking out of my hand and my children's hand was most likely you know the same substance you know. We have a picture where my palm is next to her palm and it's the same exact location on both hands. So I always wondered about that, because back then I didn't know anything about anything and here's this metal that we're somehow getting in our bodies and surprisingly very close to the skin in the very beginning, so I assume these things kind of naturally organically kind of grow right back into the the body


The implants are usually pretty close to the surface and I say the metal is usually meteoric iron. The metallic core in my implant was meteoric iron that belonged to a class of nickel iron meteorites called Hexedit low nickel iron meteorites and the trace element pattern matched that pretty exactly and so that right there indicates that the material was from off planet and there was some strange isotopic ratios too that indicated that it might not have even been from our solar system


Is that the strangest, the most astounding- I'm sure everything about this is astounding but what is the most wow factor that you discovered as well?


The fact there's carbon nano tubes inside; the fact that they give off radio signals before removal and the the fact that Dr Leir was blown away by the fact that none of these implants produce any inflammation in the body whatsoever. Any hurt of a foreign body in the human body always produces an inflammatory response and these did not. So that these implants or the alien technology might have a lot of application in organ transplantation and things of that nature And another very strange thing about these things is that in most of them proprioceptor nerves grow into the devices and they're not normally in that area of the body, they not normally found in the areas of the body that you find these implants. And there's also often epithelial tissue, skin tissue surrounding these things and not always but sometimes there is, and skin tissue inside the body isn't heard of as well. So there there's a number of things that are completely anomalous about these objects"


I spoke to Dr Roger Leir in, I think it was 2013, about this metallic frog skin type of thin layered substance around these implants and when you remove it you can't cut it with surgical steel but within minutes it literally starts to fall apart and this was a suspect of a substance that tells the body to belong with this implant which is fascinating


That's the the gray membrane he was referring to and these implants are either covered with this gray membrane that I think is formed from the the body's own material, probably blood plasma proteins and it's electric. It's electrically conductive and it's very difficult to cut and but it falls apart when it dries out as you're saying and they're either covered by that or a layer of skin tissue and we've speculated that scoop marks that are found on most experiencers are skin samples taken by the aliens for that purpose


Did you find if a part of the body these implants ended up in more often than others? I always wanted to ask that question


They're usually found on the extremities, the toes, the fingers, the wrists, forearms,lower legs and the head and neck. They're often above the ears and usually one in the neck and most frequent, what I call class two experiencers have a brain implant, the one that's put up the nose that Whitley Strieber talked about in his book and I've seen them in the torso before but that's rare. Yeah I saw a guy that had one in his torso that actually had a magnet that would stick to that point, that was really really odd, it's fascinating


I've been told by I've been told by a PhD that works with some senior DoD scientists that say that they're kind of bored with the implants in the body they're really now interested in the the nasal implants because most are just impossible to remove without harming the patient


Yeah I remember the aliens telling me as an experiencer that those can't be removed. I mean you'd be very foolish to try to remove it because you do brain damage by trying to dig it out but also becaus the brain kind of becomes dependent on it and adapts to it


Did you ever see evidence that these things are powered not by themselves but the patient's body instead of having its own power source?


Well Dr Leir thought that originally the devices are powered by the nervous system but I don't think they could get enough power that way to broadcast the amount of radio energy that they broadcast. My own belief is that they're powered by Zero Point Energy and Dr C who was our collaborator at one point, thought the same thing. The magnetic field that we see around most of these devices is probably involved with the generation of zero point energy to power the device. The magnetic field disappears when it's removed from the body too by the way. So that's how you can find these things, you look for a conductive object into the skin that sets off a stud finder or small metal detector and combined with a magnetic field of the same spot and they almost always have magnetic field


I remember when you when you looked at me and we we found something in the back of my neck, my arm, my leg and my foot... and you know of course I'm still feeling skeptical Steve and what's I gotta tell Heidi? What Steve did is he turned off the light and I'm thinking what's he doing in the dark you know I mean how can you look at something in the dark? And all of a sudden he takes a UV light and it looks like a left handed finger was around both my wrists and he lifted up my shirt and it looked like three long fingers and a thumb holding my chest down. And he explained to me that this strange residue is left behind up to, I think you said 30 days, after an abduction and I had no idea I had this on my body.

I know there was a lot of trouble getting an analysis on these samples but has there ever been a successful one?


Well there's several dyes that are left behind on the body after alien abductions, they're all indelible they stay until the skin wears off usually up to four to six weeks and the yellow green dye that you're referring to apparently comes from their skin - I'm quite sure of that at this point because I've seen four-fingered handprints in it and finger marks like in your case and um we did test a fleck of paint that came off my wall at my old house that had a four-fingered handprint on it and there was no chlorine in it. We we tested it under an energy dispersive x-ray under a scanning electron microscope and there was no chlorine in it. So it can't possibly have been human because human sweat contains sodium chloride so we know that it was from their skin and it's not human. I have a partial analysis of this blue dye. There's also a cobalt blue dye that's often left behind that seems to be some kind of marker dye or some kind of medical drug or substance that's involved in medical procedures and I know it contains an indle ring?? from the fluorescent spectrum and a partial NMRI that I got but the problem with these things is that they're indelible so it's almost impossible to get them off the substrate with a high enough concentration to do a proper analysis


Are these visible to the naked eye or do you need to use the UV to see them?


No they are they are completely invisible to the naked eye but they floresce strongly under shortwave UV There's some ??? left behind that are visible to the naked eye but that's rare, the vast majority are only visible under UV light


It's mindblowing ever since I learned that from you. I counsel experiencers, I think in 127 different countries now and I always tell them it's going to be upsetting but you're going to need to get a a UV light and check it out and nine times out of 10 you just go 'oh my God' and you know Heidi I warned you my mind was going to be blown during this interview but we just we just started and I'm dizzy. Thank you so much for coming on my friend


Speaking of upsetting... Patient 16 right before the surgery, the night before the surgery, I thought well what the heck I'll go over him with the UV light and I didn't expect to find anything because he said he hadn't been abducted since the implant was put in decades before but sure enough we found this large alien symbol in the in the yellow green dye that was on his upper arm and it wouldn't come off. It was like a Greek letter Pi with one leg kind of bent outwards. It was very strange I can send you a picture of it sometime. Actually I've got a big collection of uh of these dyes under UV light the pictures of these dyes under UV light


I have never UVd myself. I've got the bruises where I've got like three fingers and

the thumb like on my leg. That's very common


The finger marks are usually real small diameter like a child's fingers


The deep bruising yeah the last one I had was right here on my shoulder, the three small purple a lot of pressure type of purple. I used to do martial arts I used to fight in the ring it's really hard to bruise me you know maybe my legs but my my upper body it would take a lot of force to bruise me and I think I showed Heidi the three right here on my arm so it's almost like you're you're being held down by a lot of pressure. You're absolutely right about everything you're talking about you've been doing this for decades but the size of the the fingers...

And it's just how do we deal with this psychologically? I mean it's so so difficult - I stop checking myself I just take a shower, don't look down make sure you wash everything and go on about my day.


What's even more upsetting is when you wake up with needle marks. That's happened to me before and several other clients I've had


I had straight line of holes little needles in straight line pattern


One time I woke up with a very small needle mark right over a vein on my wrist with a red triangle outside that and a big bruise on my wrist, so they, and I remembered under regression, they injected, they came in and injected me with something in the wrist and took me up to a gray mothership and exposed me to some kind of radiation microwaves I think and before that they were coming like every night about back in 2011 for a long time and I told him like 'you're you're killing me I can't keep up this pace, I can't I'm not going to be able to go to work in the morning' and so instead of backing off they they took me up to

the ship and did this treatment on me. I couldn't sleep for 10 months after that and finally I could sleep but I could still function. I only slept like maybe at the most, one hour a night for 10 months and I could still function though better than before. And finally the effect wore off and I needed a lot less sleep than before after that. So they did some permanent change in my DNA I would assume, very strange.


Do you have any idea why they they'll take us numerous days in a row and then stop for a while and then come back?


Well it's like if you're a class two experiencer or you're involved in the alien program, you have some sort of a rank in their organization. It's like a being drafted into a hightech foreign military and they had some kind of a major operation going on they needed my help with and they were were kind of like part-time slaves to the to the aliens in this program there's not enough of them to do what they need to do and were there to help with the medical procedures and the abductions and install equipment and take care of their incubators and all that sort that sort of thing.


I woke up one morning in the early days when it first started..... the scars are still here bright red ones all the way to my elbow just that section of my arm - over 178 holes deep enough to put a raindrop into, both arms and the skin the skin was so dehydrated that they weren't pussing, they weren't bleeding they were just holes you know and they were so dry and of course it happened to my kid too. So I went to the pediatrician and said 'what is going on here?' He was extremely upset he's been a pediatrician for 32 years. He's seen every bug bite, every crash. He's thoroughly upset and pulled me out into the hallway and said Eric if I hadn't known you if I hadn't golfed with you I would be calling the State on you right now. You know, this is not something that happens naturally. Something's going on here.


Was it needle marks or was it scoop marks?


There were scoops about the size of a raindrop, yeah you can fit a whole raindrop into each one of them, it went past all seven layers of skin into the meat.

So it was a, you know for my kid, a vanity problem in your teenage years and it was during the summertime, so we both wore long sleeve T-shirts. And eventually one at a time they would bust and bleed and we'd you have an extra long sleeve shirt change you know so to not show the blood in public. You know how we hide things. But it was a very, you know terrible time psychologically and emotionally. Nothing is worse than being a father and not being able to protect your innocent children.


Yeah I know the feeling on that, all my kids are involved. They don't want to talk about it now but they certainly were when they were younger. And I saw that scoop mark thing you're referring to. I saw that once in somebody that that I met in one of my support groups. This lady had a whole field of like a hundred scoop marks on her back. And I saw another woman that had a triangular, an equilateral triangularcut on her shoulder, the deltoid muscle that was deep. It was probably 3/4 of an inch deep right all the way through the skin and it was pretty big it was like half an inch on a side


My son and I had the same exact thing. I woke up, he's pouring a bowl of cereal here. I am going through the worst time of my life - I was sleeping on the couch with a loaded 38, a flashlight, a UV light and if anything some in I'm going to put a bullet in it. And I wake up, my son's pouring a bowl of cereal, it's so loud because my brain is

going through so much at that time. I looked up and he had a triangle, it looked like someone took a razor blade and carved a perfect triangle out of his forehead. So I rushed him into the bathroom, you know cold water, hydrogen peroxide to clean it out. He looked up in the mirror, he said 'Dad, look at your look at your forehead'. I looked up in the mirror and it was right there, same spot so in my cognitive dissidence because I couldn't possibly believe this stuff was going on, I think that was the very beginning of 'there's no way this is a coincidence' You know we couldn't have sleep walked and hit the same thing with our foreheads while we're sleeping. It's a long journey to accept yeah.


I've had all kinds of weird stuff happen. I woke up one time about 4:30-5 am and I had a weird feeling I think the aliens had just dropped me off. And I went to check on the kids and my daughter was missing and I started to freak out. I looked all over for her and couldn't find her. I started to freak out and I thought well don't panic, if she's not with me, she's probably with them and so I just went and worked on the computer for a while. And after about an hour and a half I went and checked again and she was underneath her crib in a place that I that I checked a couple of times already. So that was really upsetting.


I think my daughter was 14 at the time. I woke up and my front door was wide open - she'd gone


That happened to me too


I ran out I ran outside and here she is in her night gown. You know she wouldn't have done this awake in her night gown you know put some clothes on first but I found her standing at the tree line where a lot of activity had already happened and her mouth was wide open, her eyes were wide open and she was completely catatonic. I had to pick her up, bring her into the house, put her on the couch. She wasn't there you know and I finally got her to come too. And we did all kinds of stuff with the doctors to find out whether she had epilepsy or we we try to rule out the the obvious first but whatever that was it's quite a bit of evidence that something strange was going on out there


My oldest son used to try to get out of the house at night as if he was being called and one time we were over at my in-law's house sleeping over there and I woke up, something woke me up and it was about about 5 in the morning. It was just starting to get light outside and I looked over... my son was sleeping the the next bed in the same room with me.... and I looked over and he was gone. And so I went out into the living room and the front door was open, the living room is all cold it obviously had been open for hours And I started to freak out again. And then I looked outside and he was on the entryway path looking up at the sky just frozen - frozen there like he was you know like they have that beam or field that freezes people. But it was like he was under the influence of that, I grabbed him and and carried him inside and after that my former father-in-law put a lock on the door that he couldn't reach so he couldn't get outside at night


A funny story, embarrassing story... a friend and I went out drinking. He shouldn't have but he drove us home and he pulls into his driveway halfway to my house and says 'Eric I shouldn't be driving' and I thought I'm not going to bring my nighttime problem to my friend's house he's got a wife he's got children I'll just walk drunk. I get most of the way home and I feel this behind, I felt it and having that much alcohol which I shouldn't have had that much, I stopped I pulled out my dad finger - we all know what the dad finger is - I turned around and this object is coming up over the trees it's like a triangle, it's about the size of a van, it's not a very big triangle, no lights on it that I can I can see but it was kind of self illuminated you know it's got that blue electromagnetic field type of effect on the skin of it. And I turned around and I said 'you've ruined my life! I've gotten no answers out of you! And I mean guys I let this thing have it. It was moving about two miles an hour and then it stopped as if it were being scolded and took every bit of what I had to say. And I turned around and started to walk away from this object and I heard a lady's voice say 'did that just happen?' and I turned and I looked across the street and there's a husband and wife drinking a Bud Lights -bottles on their front porch in the middle of the night. Can you imagine just seeing a drunk guy walking down the road and then he turns around and just yells at a UFO, talking to a UFO! Yeah the damn thing followed me the rest of the way home until I got inside

(At this point there was discussion from Heidi on electronic equipment interference in her life she links with the phenomenon)


One interesting thing about alien equipment too, in addition to causing a static and causing electrical systems to fail, it leaves behind magnetic fields on things that don't normally magnetize. I think Dr Leir was the discoverer of that effect, things like wood, leaves, grass, concrete, stainless steel, aluminum and plastic can all magnetize in the presence of whatever field they're using - probably it's a magnetic monopole? I would think or a field with one pole stronger than another that they observed in some experiments down here. The field slowly decays away after several weeks but it last for quite a while


If you have a device with dead batteries in it, it charges. I had had a little alarm clock with dead batteries I stopped using the thing I got a phone for that now I don't need it. But it looks ok on my nightstand and all of a sudden the batteries are fully charged. That just blew my mind and it gives scientists a little bit of a hint and you know I've done that over the years, talking with PHds, you tell them something that seems so damn woo woo and they fire back going 'no no this must be it' you know and it just blows my mind every time.


They're most interested in Native Americans and Germanic peoples are people with those backgrounds and they tended to get families with a lot of military or royalty in them and they're looking for high intelligence, high physical strength and psychic abilities mostly and probably there are other things that known to themselves. But those are the main things that they seem to be interested in and then they they seem to genetically modify people that they're most interested in, in these families and implant them and train them and their program to be used as helpers

My dad was into genealogy and I found out from him that that we have a couple of generals in our family on his side and some royalty in the family. On my mother's side I'm related to three kings of England and Charlemagne. I was surprised to find that out but people like us are definitely not normal. I mean I think there's a lot of differences, we may even have a lot of alien DNA but I'd like to prove that in the next few years by doing some genetic analysis, now that it's fairly affordable, on a bunch of experiencers


Your first foremost function as a quintessential experiencer is empathy. For loving caring people just don't hurt our family and you'll be fine. Our leading foot is empathy, we take our shirt off our back for anybody you know kind people. That's not to say you can't flip the coin and and make us angry because it's always the quiet ones ain't it


I think we've been we've been genetically engineered by the aliens to some degree. I can't prove that yet

Their MO seems to be to abduct pregnant women from the families they're interested in and genetically modify the fetus. I know that that happened to my ex when she was like two weeks pregnant with my oldest son. We had a strange experience when we were in Flagstaff Arizona in the winter of 1999 and we're going to go to the Grand Canyon um the next morning we're at a hotel room and all of a sudden about 9:00 at night we were preparing to go to bed, she has this mad desire to visit Sedona and I go 'what do you want to go to Sedona now for, it's dark and and you're not going to see anything and it's going to interfere with our ability to get up early to go to the Grand Canyon in the morning?' She finally insisted and after three or four rounds arguing about it I said fine, I'll take you over there but I have a bad feeling about this

And so we we got on the freeway and on the 140 and took highway 89 towards Sedona and we got about five miles down the road and there was a UFO waiting for us over a clearing. And we told no one, they must have found out by telepathic means. We told no one where we going and with a tractor beam they pulled her right through the roof of the Cadillac we were in and they they told me to wait. And I kind of flipped over to alien mode and waited by the side of the road. They returned her the same way about 15 minutes later and she was all hysterical and said they'd done some medical procedures on her. And then all of a sudden we just forgot all about it and didn't remember anything about the UFO and I just I just kind of said 'well I got a bad feeling, I can't go on' and she goes 'yeah, yeah you're right, let's go back to the room' and we didn't remember what happened until a long time afterwards. But at the time we just thought that we just got a a real bad feeling of anxiety at that point on the trip and had to go back but it was a about 100 foot in diameter UFO that was hovering over a clearing by the road and I later went back backa few years later and found the exact spot it happened


We started heading South toward Portland, hour drive, maybe 10 minutes into it, we came up over a slight hill and the moon, what I thought was the moon was 20 times bigger than what it should be and my first thoughts are, 'oh my God, there's going to be earthquakes, there's going to be tsunamis, there's no way the moon can be that close to us' and the car started to vibrate and all of a sudden, there's a being standing on the side of the road and it's got his little hand up, three fingers you know short thumb, seven foot tall gray maybe and I'm looking at my kids. I'm looking at Audrey and Audrey the one driving was the one that kind of animated out, first there was no blinking, she wasn't moving, she was just on the steering wheel, like a dummy you know. I looked back my kids were still loosed? they knew something strange was going on, the vibration kept going, the light got brighter and brighter and I think after interviewing everyone in the car my daughter was the last person to remember going out. But by the time we all came to I guess you can say there's maybe some better words for it, we were about 10 miles behind us according to the GPS going the wrong direction and we have no idea what happened in that missing time or how the vehicle actually got that far away from the location


Yeah they'll often pick up the entire vehicle and just move you either either back or forward toward your destination.

I remember one time coming back from the UFO Congress, myself and two other people got picked up in a van and moved uh about 100 miles from the ???? area to Las Vegas just outside Las Vegas and I think it happens quite a bit with experiencers picked up on the highway


One fascinating one I know of, I think it was about 300 miles and it was a truck driver, 18-wheeler. You know how they log they have to log everything, they have to write down their gas mileage, how much gasoline, how much is on the dash you know as far as mileage and everything and to this day he has no idea what happens to him - lost his job because they thought he was trying to pull something funny on him. The truck, the electronics to the truck had to be fully replaced because it was a lease, it wasn't his own truck so just that one incident completely ruined his life. His wife thought he was crazy so she left him and guess what guys, we are crazy after the first time something like this happens. Jesus! You know we really got to put ourselves back together you know it's not like the movies, where Spider-Man gets bit and all of a sudden he's adjusted perfectly fine. We've got to go through a long adjustment period after some of these things to really get a handle back on things. We've got this cognitive dissonance where we live in this society that's completely made up for powerful people and us slaves and then we've got the experience your mind that sees through literally all of it and we have to pretend you know in this cognitive dissonance you know come home and and and take the shroud of BS off of us and become ourselves or put the shroud back on and go out into society and kind of retrofit ourselves into this strange idea that we call productive society. I know I made a few people mad saying that but we just see right through everything when it comes to that


As far as people being crazy in this field, the waters are kind of mudded by the fact that a lot of experiencers are kind of crazy, they've been driven crazy by their experiences.

There's three types of experiencers, there's there's wannabes - they're just making it up or convincing themselves that they're experiencers to get attention, then there's people that are real experiencers that have been driven kind of crazy by their experiences to varying degrees, then there's people that are experiencers that have adapted fairly well to it. And unfortunately the third type is in the minority. Most people are kind of wigged out by this it can be kind of wigging out. That's why I do what I do you know because the three of us are in the third category thank goodness.

I've heard the government is scared to death of us, they're afraid the aliens could push a button somewhere and turn us into instant soldiers, perhaps give us some telekinesis or other powers back that some people have reported having, when they're with the aliens


Yeah I've heard that myself - some people are starting to get afraid of me after some information came out, other things I've been hiding personally about my brain and and things that I toy with on my spare time neurologically and would I ever use that to hurt someone? No of course not but you've got these people that are not educated enough to understand what an experiencer is and they're running around saying Eric's in in league with evil aliens and it's just there needs to to be enough information out there for people to form that kind of opinion. The only way I'd harm somebody would be if I saw someone trying to harm one of my friends, a fellow experiencer or something like that or an innocent. My whole life, yeah my whole life I've been that way like in high school I would see bullies picking on little nerds and dorks. I would finish that fight for them whether I knew them or not I've always been that way. So for people to draw that kind of opinion about me is devastatingly shocking

I was at a UFO conference where it was the first one I ever went to, Dolores Cannon, it was the one where I actually was going to meet with Dr Leir. And I had a man walk up to me, he was about to say something and screaming as if I was doing something to hurt him because he had heard what I can do with my brain you know. I can change the frequency and stuff like that. There needs to be a lot more looked into. My friends at MIT believe I'm manipulating the electromagnetic field in my brain and warned me, don't go past so many Hertz because you can overload and harm your brain but that's a postulation. What do they know - so I'm talking with some biometric scientists right now so maybe they can come up with something contrary to popular belief.

You know people don't just run around and meet with the aliens at a kiosk in a mall and get instructions to do evil things you know, that's just too much Hollywood for me.


One thing that a lot of non-experiencers don't realize is that all this stuff is classified on the

aliens end too. I mean they don't want people knowing about what they're doing or too much about their program. So that's the reason it's very difficult to find out what's going on for sure because it's just classified on both ends. US Government doesn't want people knowing about it neither do the aliens


Experiencers can make the world a better place.

Some of these people don't want the world to be a better place they want it to be more lucrative. You have a group of peaceful people that can really interact with the world and and help people see the way we see things, they would change overnight

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